12/27/24 Message from the Coach

27 Dec 2024 by Coach Peter Cekutis

12/27 Message from the Coach Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. At this point in the year I move to a monthly letter to keep everyone updated on changes in the program and our off season conditioning opportunities for our players. This is a vital part of growing our program and returning Cape Football to where we all know it can be. Below are a few important highlights. But most importantly we will have a brief after school Meeting on Tuesday January 7th at 2:30. All interested players should attend. Plan for this meeting to take only about 20 to 30 minutes.

2025 Season
-At this point we are making preparations for the jump to 8 man football. While nothing is official until the state completes the schedules that work is underway. We will be playing in the 8 Man Large Division during the 2025 season. This does not commit us to staying there. The opportunity here is to grow the program and provide full JV and Freshman schedules to help develop our young players, along with a very competitive varsity schedule. The 8 Man Large division is full of Capes traditional rivals and will provide a great opportunity for some exciting games on Friday night at Hannaford. The coaching staff is already hard at work preparing for the transition and we are looking forward to sharing that excitement with you.

Winter Lifting
-This year our off season workouts will be in three stages. Starting Monday January 6th we will offer morning lifts on Mondays and Wednesdays each week. These will run from 6am to 7:30 am. We will also open the weightroom on Friday afternoons from 2:30 – 4:30pm. Each session is staffed by one of our coaches. The coaching staff provide workouts through the team builder app. Any of our players can participate in the workouts even if you can not be present at those times. More information on that on January 7th. After February Break we will move to all after school workouts for the remainder of the winter and spring.

1,000 lbs & 500 lbs Clubs
-This year our off season program will be results focused. Using our team builder app we will track progress in several areas including the 3 core lifts, Barbell Bench, Parallel Squat, and DeadLift. Once a player has reached a total max of either 500 or 1,000 lbs they can submit a form to join the Cape Elizabeth 1,000 lbs or 500 clubs. T-shirts will be printed and their name will be added to the list displayed down next to the weightroom. This is open to anyone at Cape Elizabeth. Hoping to see one of our guys there first!

Summer Schedule
-This year we plan to streamline our summer program to include 7v7, lifting, speed and agility, youth camps, and joint practice with 8 man teams. We are planning to do all of this while limiting the total number of days and hours we expect from our players. We will plan to have our summer schedule finalized by the end of March so families have an opportunity to plan ahead.

Good luck to all our Capers in their winter sports. We are looking forward to seeing you on the hardwood, the ice, and on the track this winter. I know you will all put forth the effort that will make us proud.

Thank you everyone for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Coach Cekutis if you have any questions.
Coach Cekutis

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