NO LNR this week. YES there is still Lifting Wednesday and Friday

19 Mar by Coach Peter Cekutis

Do to the lack of facility space and the start of spring sports we are going to put a pause on Late Night Rambles. I really enjoyed having all of you guys in last month but we do not want to take away from any of our other spring sports teams and their quests for a title.

That being said you can still lift and prepare for next season. The weight room will continue to be open and staffed by our coaches. When lifting in season it is always a good idea to do more reps and less weight. The science tells us you only need to lift heavy about once every three months to maintain the gains that many of you have made. If you can, don’t stop all together. Even body weight exercises can help you maintain strength in season.

On April 9th we will have our Live Registration and Team meeting. At the meeting we will award the first group to win the lifting shirts. Keep working and track any lifts you do on the app. Your groups coaches will continue to check in with you through hudl. Good luck this spring!

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